Five years ago today, I went to work like any other day. I arrived at the office at 8:30 AM. I got back home at 7pm.
If I slept for eight hours that day, that means I spent five and a half hours of my day for my own time (mostly family time).
Today, I sat down at my desk at 8am. I'll go downstairs for dinner at 5pm. Between those two times, I'll spend an hour having lunch with my wife and daughter, and a few five minute breaks here and there where I can chat with my wife, help around the house, and whatnot.
But, I'll also more work than I would have in the office (fewer people dropping by my desk), and I'll still spend some time collaborating with my colleagues (more effectively over Zoom, each at our own computers, than crowded around one person's).
This is why I work from home, and won't ever go back to an office.
@danjones000 Yabut your boss won't feel great without a visible empire, and that's what counts.