Describe your main character from the perspective of the antagonist

My current story doesn't exactly have an antagonist. My MC is kind of their own antagonist, so I'll let them introduce themself.

My name is ....

I don't suppose it really matters now. It's going to change soon.

I've lived this life for a very long time. The year is 2374. I was born in 2232. But I don't have long left.

The doctor tells me I probably have a few months left. I don't have the heart to tell him he's off by a few months. I've got maybe a few hours left.

I only know this because, every time I get this near the end of a life, some memories from my previous lives start to come back.

I'm starting to wonder where and who I'll be in a few hours. My lives aren't exactly in order, so I could end up in any time. My last life was in the 19th century. And before that, I was a colonist to Alpha Centauri. We've still got several years before we'll get there, thankfully.

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Joining this month.

: Badly introduce your time travel story.

A girl and her dog take the subway downtown, but don't have the fare to get back.

I haven't really written in a few months. I've been kind of out of it.

But I've had an idea rattling around in my brain for a while, and decided to finally start some work on it, even if just a little bit.

So, I'll be doing again in April with this short story/novella (not sure how long it'll be yet).

It's untitled as of yet, but it's a retelling of Wizard of Oz, in which Dorothy is a time traveler.

Day 1. Intro Tell two truths and one lie about your story.

  • Scarecrow will be an AI who wants real human intelligence.
  • Toto will be a Samoyed.
  • Dorothy will be a PhD student at MIT researching quantum wormholes.

Spoilers for WIP time travel story

I've got an idea for a novella I'm going to start writing soon (I've been in a small slump, lately). It's a time travel story with an interesting twist, but I'm curious if others will buy it.

The idea is that our hero will meet two other versions of herself who time traveled at some future point in their lives. So, let's call them 1, 2, and 3, where 3 is our hero.

1, in her 30s, travels forward about 1000 years, but can't get back. She tries to send a message to her younger self, a couple years before she left, to prevent her from going. But this backfires and she ends up making it so that 2 just invents time travel sooner, and travels forward to about the same time.

So, now 2 and 3 are both in the future. 2 is a few years younger (late twenties) than 3. They try to work together to undo this, but end up developing very different ideas, and have a falling out.

They work separately for several years, 1 becoming more bitter, while 2 becomes more hopeful. Eventually 2 has an idea, but she needs something that only 1 has, and 1 won't listen to her.

So, 2 sends a message back once more to an even younger version of themselves, 3, our hero, who's in her early twenties, and working on her PhD (maybe at MIT). 3 comes forward, and 2, in disguise, convinces her to go get the thing (haven't worked out what that is, but I'll come up with some appropriate technobabble) from 1.

The story starts, though, with 3, and her work in grad school that eventually culminates in her coming to the future.

So, I've been thinking about this, and am trying to decide if this is even believable (insofar as time travel stories are at all believable). So, what do y'all think? Would a plot like this work?

  • Yes, I'd find that believable 50% (2 votes)

  • It's about as believable as any other time travel story 50% (2 votes)

  • No, sorry, I don't buy that 0% (0 votes)

  • Other (comment below) 0% (0 votes)

I've been using this account as my primary for about a week now, and I'm think I'm settled on using it for the foreseeable future, so I guess it's time to do another post.

I'm a dad of four kids, and a web developer. I have a college degree in (or ) and had aspirations of being an actor. I kind of fell into web development as a career. It was a hobby back in high school, and I just needed to pay some bills after college, so I ended up doing this.

I always have aspirations to do other things, but for now, I'm pretty happy spending most of my time as a dad and husband.

Some day, I'd like to get back into , or maybe do some . I also enjoy and will, from time to time, post some , usually from somebody's .

I love , and usually watch at least one episode nearly every day. I like all really, though, as well as . I used to read a lot, but find I don't have as much time or mental capacity for it as I used to. I also enjoy watching , and have really been enjoying the new episodes of lately.

Feel free to follow me if you think we have similar interests, and I may follow you back, if I think likewise. 👋
