I'm looking for CMS recommendations, including possibly a headless CMS with a statically built site (I'm actually leaning in that direction).
In the past, I would normally just use #WordPress, but with the latest #WordPressDrama, I'm honestly concerned about its future.
The project I'm working on is for my Church. It's not for a single congregation, though. It's a regional thing serving ten congregations across the South Houston, Texas region. Not a huge amount of traffic, but not inconsequential.
Here are some basic requirements. I need it to support multiple users, with role based access. I need some amount of extensibility, as I plan to build out more features over time, including notifications of new content being pushed out to various destinations (SMS, mobile push, etc.). I haven't discussed with the church leaders what the budget is, but I imagine minimizing costs would also be a need. Localization will also be a concern. Seven of the congregations are English-speaking, two are Spanish, and one is Mandarin. So being able to have some content available in all three languages would be beneficial.
Any customization will be built by me, so, a language I'm familiar with, or can reasonably easily learn would be good. So, PHP, go, or node are the best options.
The site will host a few different things. It will serve as a directory of resources for folks with various needs. It will also serve as a hub for announcements.
Right now, I'm looking at a Directus headless CMS, hosted probably on AWS or DigitalOcean, and probably an Eleventy generated site, probably hosted on Netlify or Vercel. But, I'm certainly not married to the idea. And I still haven't completely ruled out just using WordPress, or perhaps even ClassicPress.
It's been so long since I've set up a content-driven site (aside from my own personal sites, which just use hugo), that I'm not sure what the best options are nowadays. Suggestions for hosting are also appreciated.
#WebDevelopment #AskFedi #AskFediverse #AskMastodon #BoostsWelcome #PleaseBoost
My company has just announced that there will be a round of layoffs soon. They just laid off a bunch of C-levels. They're giving us the opportunity to "opt in" to "workforce reduction" with a promise of three months severance.
It's been pretty tumultuous here, lately, to be honest, and I'm considering it.
But, I've got a wife and four kids to take care of, and I've never willingly left a job when I didn't have another one already lined up. And we've got good benefits (healthcare and dental) right now, so I really don't want to give that up.
Maybe if I had something lined up with similar pay and benefits, I could do it.
So, I'm looking for any recommendations. I'm a #PHP developer (of roughly twenty years), who has been doing a lot of #golang for the past year, and I've gotten very proficient at that as well.
I'm looking for a US-based company, and a Principal/Staff/Senior Developer role.
Anybody have any good leads? My website is at https://danielrayjones.com, and I can be emailed at dan@danielrayjones.com.
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