I've been using this account as my primary for about a week now, and I'm think I'm settled on using it for the foreseeable future, so I guess it's time to do another post.

I'm a dad of four kids, and a web developer. I have a college degree in (or ) and had aspirations of being an actor. I kind of fell into web development as a career. It was a hobby back in high school, and I just needed to pay some bills after college, so I ended up doing this.

I always have aspirations to do other things, but for now, I'm pretty happy spending most of my time as a dad and husband.

Some day, I'd like to get back into , or maybe do some . I also enjoy and will, from time to time, post some , usually from somebody's .

I love , and usually watch at least one episode nearly every day. I like all really, though, as well as . I used to read a lot, but find I don't have as much time or mental capacity for it as I used to. I also enjoy watching , and have really been enjoying the new episodes of lately.

Feel free to follow me if you think we have similar interests, and I may follow you back, if I think likewise. 👋


Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 12 hours ago

I just got a rejection letter for a job I applied to over six months ago, and even met with the internal recruiter about. What‽

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 2 days ago

I saw the pilot for the new Australian The Office series, and it was interesting.

In the UK/US versions, the series starts with corporate announcing layoffs (bad) and David/Michael trying to save the branch (good). In this version, corporate announces they're going fully remote, which the workers obviously like, but the boss, Hannah, doesn't like this, so tries to keep her branch in office, because she genuinely enjoys being with her employees. But, to satisfy corporate, her branch has to meet certain sales goals to justify the expense of the office. Once the employees figure this out, they figure they can just do their jobs poorly so that they can get to work from home.

We didn't see much of the other characters, to be honest. The main ones are there: the overzealous Assistant to the Manager, the sales guy who plays pranks on her, the receptionist who's slightly flirty with him, the HR guy whom the boss can't stand.

The dynamics are there to make this a good adaptation. I'm a bit disappointed they followed the common formula nowadays of an entire, very short, season dropping all at once. But I'm excited to see how it plays out.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 3 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 8 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 9 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 14 days ago

Remember four years ago, when the winner of the US Vice Presidential Debate was a fly that just landed on Mike Pence's head for like five minutes?

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 16 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 17 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 17 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 17 days ago

I'm now happily employed, but I went through a layoff that took three months before I finally found my current job.

During that time, I sent out 91 job applications. Of those 91, eleven of them sent me an automated response saying they'd received my application, and nothing after that. 22 of them didn't even send that automated response. I didn't keep track of those that I got an initial contact from, but then got ghosted, but there were a few of those as well.

Do better. Have some respect for the people who are spending time applying to the jobs that you posted. I know hiring managers and recruiters are hardworking and have a lot of applications to go through. But, you could at least have the respect to have a form rejection letter to send out when you drop a resume in the rejection stack.

I started a new job yesterday where I work as a contractor (I'm a full-time, salaried employee at my company, but they contract my work out) on a US military project (writing code for the Department of Defense).

Due to all of the requirements for working with the Department of Defense, I'm now realizing that this will be the slowest onboarding process for a job that I've ever gone through.

I was just told that sometime next week I'll get added to the daily stand-ups. An entire week just before I even start going to stand-ups is just crazy.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 21 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 23 days ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 25 days ago

UPS says my new Steam Deck is going to arrive today between 11:45 and 3:45. It's already 11:52 and it still hasn't arrived, so, I'll just be pacing back and forth for the next couple hours. :sonic_waiting: