Day 7

What does your MC look like?

The second picture is an AI-generated photo that's pretty close to how she looks.

In my mind, she mostly looks like my wife (third picture), with a bit of Marvel's Ironheart, Riri Williams (first picture).

Comic of Marvel's Ironheart. She is a young black woman with curly hair. She is wearing Iron-Man type armor.

Comic of Marvel's Ironheart. She is a young black woman with curly hair. She is wearing Iron-Man type armor.

Photograph from the chest up. Biracial woman in her early twenties. She has curly hair, thick lips. She is wearing a plain white T-shirt under overalls.

Photograph from the chest up. Biracial woman in her early twenties. She has curly hair, thick lips. She is wearing a plain white T-shirt under overalls.

Photograph from the chest up. Biracial woman in her mid twenties. She has curly hair, which is pulled back. She is wearing a purple hoodie.

Photograph from the chest up. Biracial woman in her mid twenties. She has curly hair, which is pulled back. She is wearing a purple hoodie.

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: What does your time machine look like?

That's a little complicated. It's not exactly a single machine.

After some of her colleagues demonstrated a theoretical wormhole using quantum entanglement, Dorothy worked to make the theoretical practical.

Using a brand new quantum computer the University acquired, she was able to consistently create a wormhole. This is a quantum wormhole. Too small to see, but large enough for information to pass through.

She then created a device that could network with the quantum computer. It looks like a typical tablet computer, and she calls it her QPad. She attaches the QPad to her laptop (a traditional binary computer), and can connect to the quantum computer from anywhere, and is able to create a wormhole from wherever she is to her lab at MIT.

She was doing this one afternoon from her apartment in Ashmont. What she didn't know is that in about the year 3050, a more advanced quantum computer, being controlled by a certain Wizard, in roughly the same place as hers, had interfaced with her QPad. So instead of connecting to a computer ten miles away, she connected to one over a thousand years away.

And this computer could stabilize and enlarge the wormhole with a bit of exotic matter. So, when she started it up, instead of a subatomic wormhole forming, a ten feet tall, blue swirling vortex appeared in her living room.

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: Name one sound and one scent that occurs in your MC's worst nightmare.

At thirteen, Dorothy was briefly sent to a new foster family: the Von Liebermans.

One evening, about a week after she was sent there, Mr. Von Lieberman stumbled into her room, drunk.

She could smell his breath a foot from her bed.

"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?"

Before he had a chance to actually touch her, she kneed him in the groin, grabbed her bag, and left. She was picked up a couple days later and sent to a group home.

But sometimes, when she lets herself feel weak, she hears the shuffling of his feet, and smells the alcohol wafting through the air.