I've been using this account as my primary for about a week now, and I'm think I'm settled on using it for the foreseeable future, so I guess it's time to do another post.

I'm a dad of four kids, and a web developer. I have a college degree in (or ) and had aspirations of being an actor. I kind of fell into web development as a career. It was a hobby back in high school, and I just needed to pay some bills after college, so I ended up doing this.

I always have aspirations to do other things, but for now, I'm pretty happy spending most of my time as a dad and husband.

Some day, I'd like to get back into , or maybe do some . I also enjoy and will, from time to time, post some , usually from somebody's .

I love , and usually watch at least one episode nearly every day. I like all really, though, as well as . I used to read a lot, but find I don't have as much time or mental capacity for it as I used to. I also enjoy watching , and have really been enjoying the new episodes of lately.

Feel free to follow me if you think we have similar interests, and I may follow you back, if I think likewise. πŸ‘‹


Another day, another job rejection.

It's been almost three months since my layoff, and I keep getting close, and then losing out at the end.

This time, I had an interview with the hiring manager, two live coding challenges, and then another interview with upper management. In the end, they told me I didn't have enough front-end experience for the position. They had another candidate with more front-end experience than me. They wanted to bring me on anyway as another back-end developer, but the budget didn't warrant it.

So, I didn't do anything wrong, and they were impressed with my experience and talent, but still not enough to get the job.

This is frustrating, but also really getting scary. My savings is not going to last forever, and my insurance coverage ends at the end of August.

Anybody with any leads on jobs that maybe aren't posted yet, for a Senior or Staff developer in PHP or go (or some other language that I can learn), I would be forever grateful for them.

I clicked on a link to 𝕏, which I rarely visit. My notifications had a "trending" tweet from a Trumpster posting an infographic showing that Harris is pulling ahead of Trump in the polls already. His caption was "They're going to steal the election."

I started to write out a reply explaining to him how winning an election does not constitute stealing it. And how stealing an election would consist of things like trying to coerce an election official to fabricate votes, or storming the Capitol to prevent votes from being counted.

Then I stopped myself. This is why I stopped using Twitter. Arguing with numbskulls like that guy is exhausting and mentally draining. Why put myself through that?

Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 3 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 4 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 4 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 5 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 7 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 8 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 11 days ago
Screenshot from The Simpsons 6x01: "Bar of Darkness". Bart is sitting in a wheelchair with a cast on his leg, talking to Lisa. Bart is reading from his script: '"Is it St. Swithin's Day already?" "Tis", replied Aunt Helga'

Screenshot from The Simpsons 6x01: "Bar of Darkness". Bart is sitting in a wheelchair with a cast on his leg, talking to Lisa. Bart is reading from his script: '"Is it St. Swithin's Day already?" "Tis", replied Aunt Helga'

Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 12 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 13 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 19 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 26 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 26 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 26 days ago
Dan Jones πŸ₯₯🌴 shared 29 days ago

What the Presidential Debate looks like to me.

Still from Nightmare Before Christmas of Oogie Boogie arguing with Jack Skellington

Still from Nightmare Before Christmas of Oogie Boogie arguing with Jack Skellington

Who invented flags?