René Picard: You don't seem so arrogant to me. What does it mean: arrogant son of a ... Jean-Luc Picard: Let's talk about that later, shall we?

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation 4x02 - Family

You never know when the kids are listening. I swear I've had an extremely similar conversation with my son after he apparently overheard me and my wife talking about my brother.

I just had a job interview and the interviewer told me he really appreciated my well written cover letter. He told me it really showed how I'd taken the time to understand the company, and the position, and showed well how my experience could fit in with their needs.

ChatGPT wrote that cover letter for me.

I need to vent a little bit.

I've been out of work for close to two months now. I know that many people have been looking for a lot longer than me. But, I had a really good prospect at a company that I respect, and felt that I was a great fit for what they were looking for.

After a bunch of interviews, all of which seemed very positive, I got word this morning that they wouldn't be making an offer.

This was so incredibly disheartening. I even have a friend who just started working there who was talking me up to them.

This is now the third time I've gotten far in the interview process, only for them not to make an offer.

I'm just feeling so frustrated now. The last time I lost a job (four and a half years ago) I had an offer at another company is less than two weeks.

Now, it's been nearly two months. I've sent out over 80 applications, gotten interviews at five or six companies, with three of them getting pretty far. But I can't get to the offer.

Anybody who I've ever worked with would tell you that I'm smart, talented, a hard worker, and a fast learner. But, none of that seems to be enough right now.

I've got an initial interview at another company on Tuesday. So I'm going to keep plugging away at this. But right now, man, I feel really demotivated.

In a couple months my severance is going to run out, and I have to have a new job before then.

If anybody knows any jobs for a senior PHP or golang developer, please let me know. This can't go on much longer.

The film Speed is now as old as My Fair Lady was when Speed came out.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago

Grown-ups don’t look like grown-ups on the inside either. Outside, they’re big and thoughtless and they always know what they’re doing. Inside, they look just like they always have. Like they did when they were your age. The truthis, there aren’t any grown-ups. Not one, in the whole wide world.

"Adulting" perfectly summarized.

I just had a final job interview with Zillow that I thought went really well.

But, tomorrow, they're going on a company retreat, which means that they won't give me a decision on whether or not they're making an offer for another week.

😧 :rage1:

In 1880, on the sixth of September, Mary Ann Nichols, known to her friends as Polly, moved, with her husband, William, and their kids to a home on Blackfriars Road, in London. They paid a weekly rent of five shillings.

Unfortunately, they had marital problems and shortly after this, William left Polly and took the kids with him. Over the next several years, she would live mostly in poorhouses, struggling with alcoholism, and supplementing her meager income from cleaning houses with occasional sex work. She would build up a fairly lengthy rap sheet, all related to drunkenness and prostitution.

In 1888, on the 30th of August, late in the evening, she visited the Frying Pan pub on Brick Lane. When she left, she happened to meet her friend, Emily Holland. Emily would be the last person to see Polly alive.

An hour after she spoke with Emily, a carman found her body on Buck's Row (now known as Durward Street), about fifty yards from the current Whitechapel Tube Station.

She was the third victim in a series of murders known as the Whitechapel Murders, but the first to be positively identified as a victim of a still unknown serial killer called Jack the Ripper.

On the other side of the world, in Kyoto, Japan, lived a craftsman by the name of Yamauchi Fusajirô. Fusajirô had previously worked in his father-in-law's business, which he had inherited, selling limes. But, due to the Meiji Restoration, playing cards, which had previously been banned in Japan, became legal, and he had developed an interest in card games.

And so, the next year on the 23rd of September, he founded a playing card company called Yamauchi Fusajirô Shôten. Using his skills as a craftsman, he designed a wood-block printing machine to print the cards, which were made of mulberry bark.

His company had another name, which is somewhat better known, however: Nintendo.

And this is how the birthplace of Mario and Kirby was founded the same year that Jack the Ripper was going on his killing spree.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago

If a centaur is half human and half horse, does a baby centaur nurse from the human nipples or the horse nipples?

I don't know if this is some sort of bad omen, or sign from the gods, but I'm currently interviewing for a job at Dropbox, and my computer just randomly decided to disconnect from my Dropbox account, and signing back in was much more difficult than it should have been.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared a month ago

Season 2 has released a teaser showing all the Endless.

"The Prodigal" I assume is Destruction. He looks pretty good.

I was most excited to see Delirium. I was disappointed, though. The actress looks the part, physically, but the costume, makeup and hair were all wrong. She looked like neither Delirium nor Delight.

I'm still excited for the new season, though. I'll just have to wait and see.

Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 2 months ago
Dan Jones 🥥🌴 shared 2 months ago