I've got a a / question.

I understand how self-verification works in Mastodon.

But I'm trying to figure out how the federation of it works. In other words, how does instance A know which links are verified for a profile on instance B.

When I look at the AP profile (curl masto.tld/users/jimmy -H 'Accept: application/activity+json'), I get something like:

"attachment": [                                                {
            "name": "Personal Site",
            "type": "PropertyValue",
            "value": "<a href=\"https://something.tld\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer me\"
><span class=\"invisible\">https://</span><span class=\"\">
something.tld</span><span class=\"invisible\"></span></a>"

But I don't see anything anywhere else in the JSON that indicates that that value is verified.

Is there a separate endpoint to check that?