A bit of Star Trek fan fiction.

The young Klingon woke up on the ground, before a set of great, iron gates. The gates were large and imposing. Everything beyond the gates seemed to disappear. What could be behind those gates, he couldn't possibly guess. It seemed like it must protect some great building.

He wondered how he got there. But, just as the thought entered his mind, the gates began to open, and a great man walked out and stood before him.

He stood up to face this larger-than-life figure. The man had flowing white hair, and more scars on his face and arms than he'd ever seen. He carried a bat'leth strapped to his side.

The bat'leth was larger than most, and an old-fashioned style. He'd never seen one like that before, except in textbooks. He recognized it: The Sword of Kahless.

"Are you Kahless?"

"Yes, young Warrior, I am."

"Am I dead?"

"Yes, you are." He smiled, with compassion, at the boy.

"I was sick. I've been sick a long time. They couldn't find a cure. Some Federation doctors came and tried to help, but I guess I wasn't strong enough.

"Do I now face Fek'Ihr to be admitted to Gre'thor?"

"Young One, why should you deserve the fate of the Dishonored?" He kneeled before the child, and looked him directly into his eyes. "Why should you spend your afterlife with those who ran from a challenge, or mistreated their kin, or did those things that would bring disgrace upon them and their house?"

The boy was shaken. He trembled slightly before this great man. "Sir, I was no warrior. I committed no deeds of glory. And my parents are dead, so I have no family to commit any great deeds in my name. I spent most of my life in a hospital bed, too sick to do anything that would bring honor to my name. I am not worthy of being with warriors like you."

Kahless placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Young Warrior, you have battled, alone, for years on end, against an adversary unseen to all, but felt keenly by you. You have done so bravely, never wavering in your determination. It matters not that you lost the war. You fought it bravely and with great honor."


"I am here to welcome you to Sto'Vo'Kor, to spend your next life among those who lived their lives with honor."

"I ... will be honored?"

"I know not how you will be remembered on Qo'noS. But here, you will be celebrated as one of the great warriors of your time.

You will meet others here who were seen as less worthy during their life, but who are still great warriors. Some, like you, fought against disease, or a failing of their own body. Some fought against hatred from their own people because of who they are, or who they loved. Some fought against their own minds.

I fought on battlefields of dirt and rock, armed with my blade. My fights, however, are no less deserving of honor than yours, fought within your own body, armed with nothing but your own spirit."

Kahless stood and reached his hand out to the Warrior. They took hands, and walked through the gates together, in glory.

I stood before the great beast that had terrorized the small fishing village for months. The village elder had messaged the capital, saying that a giant, rabid halcyon had been attacking them.

I suppose a halcyon is the closest thing that these people might recognize. But this bird was no halcyon, calming the winds and the waves, helping the fisherman.

No, this firedrake was far from its home. And it was angry. And, they couldn't see it, but it was also scared.

Thankfully, they hadn't called for a knight. A knight would've just cut the beast down.

No, in their confusion, they had thankfully asked for me, the duke's chief birder, although most just called me the bird whisperer.

I could understand and help all avians, including this lost and scared firedrake.

It took time. I had to teach it to trust me. Rather, I had to teach her to trust me. In time, she told me her name. There's no way to write it unfortunately, and I couldn't pronounce it. She let me call her Branwen, "Blessed Raven", and she chose a draconian name for me.

By this point, she no longer frightened the village, and was no longer frightened by the village. She even thought about staying. They had come to respect her.

But she had family. She needed to see them again. So, we left together. I knew how to get back to her land. I'd been there before. I'd even met her village elder.

But before she left, she promised to return. They would miss her, this strange halcyon that had come to mean so much to them.

@[email protected]


in reply to this object

Merlin has finally emerged from the castle.

Nobody had been able to breach the walls in the centuries since he'd entered. His magical protection was too powerful.

No one's quite sure how long he's been in there. It's been longer than the stories have been recorded. Most people didn't even believe he was actually there; just a myth that old wives told one another.

But now that he has emerged, nobody could doubt any longer.

But, what has kept him in there for so long? Some say that he had cast such a powerful spell, he's needed these many centuries to rest.

But really, it's was just clinomania. And since he's been FaceTiming with a new therapist, he finally felt ready to get out of bed.

@[email protected]