I've been using this account as my primary for about a week now, and I'm think I'm settled on using it for the foreseeable future, so I guess it's time to do another #introduction post.
I'm a dad of four kids, and a web developer. I have a college degree in #Theater (or #Theatre) and had aspirations of being an actor. I kind of fell into web development as a career. It was a hobby back in high school, and I just needed to pay some bills after college, so I ended up doing this.
I always have aspirations to do other things, but for now, I'm pretty happy spending most of my time as a dad and husband.
Some day, I'd like to get back into #acting, or maybe do some #VoiceActing. I also enjoy #writing and will, from time to time, post some #MicroFiction, usually from somebody's #WritingPrompt.
I love #StarTrek, and usually watch at least one episode nearly every day. I like all #SciFi really, though, as well as #fantasy. I used to read a lot, but find I don't have as much time or mental capacity for it as I used to. I also enjoy watching #anime, and have really been enjoying the new episodes of #Bleach lately.
Feel free to follow me if you think we have similar interests, and I may follow you back, if I think likewise.
#WebDev #PHP #BackEnd #Laravel #introductions #Parenting #DadLife
Five years ago today, I went to work like any other day. I arrived at the office at 8:30 AM. I got back home at 7pm.
If I slept for eight hours that day, that means I spent five and a half hours of my day for my own time (mostly family time).
Today, I sat down at my desk at 8am. I'll go downstairs for dinner at 5pm. Between those two times, I'll spend an hour having lunch with my wife and daughter, and a few five minute breaks here and there where I can chat with my wife, help around the house, and whatnot.
But, I'll also more work than I would have in the office (fewer people dropping by my desk), and I'll still spend some time collaborating with my colleagues (more effectively over Zoom, each at our own computers, than crowded around one person's).
This is why I work from home, and won't ever go back to an office.
Alright, I’ve decided I’m leaving my job. Officially looking for work!
Me: software engineer, >10 years industry experience. Backend heavy but exp across the stack from infra to FE. Experience leading teams.
PHP, Rust, Go, TS, good at learning new stacks/langs! Shares super appreciated ❤️ #fedihired #FediHire #getfedihired
There's always a risk when using software that's only developed by a single person.
I've been using @[email protected], a single-user self-hosted ActivityPub server for this account for a few years now. I really like a lot about it, but especially I like that it's easy to host on my own hardware, so I'm never beholden to someone else to run my instance.
But, yesterday I finally got around to upgrading my @[email protected] box to 41 (I know, I should've done it months ago). With that upgrade came a Python version bump to 3.13.2. I always have trouble with Python every time it updates to a new version and suddenly a bunch of my stuff doesn't work anymore, but it's usually no more trouble than reinstalling everything.
Unfortunately, microblog.pub hasn't been updated for nearly two years, and many of the dependencies were pinned at versions that don't support Python 3.13.2. It took me several hours of digging through dependencies to figure out which ones I had to update to make it work again.
So, this account was offline for most of a day, and part of that was the actual Fedora upgrade, but much of it was trying to fix the broken dependencies.
And this all happened because the developer hasn't kept it up-to-date. I'm not upset at him personally. This is a part-time project, and it looks like something he doesn't personally use anymore. These things happen, and he has no obligation to me as a user of his software.
But, I've definitely learned an important lesson in all this: if I'm going to use software as an important part of my day-to-day activities, and that software is developed by a single person, then that person better be me.
JD Vance cut his Vermont vacation short, perhaps because of the cold or because he felt unwelcome. Protesters lined his route all the way back to the airport in Burlington (about a 50-minute drive). Reports are that he didn’t even say thank you. https://www.reddit.com/r/vermont/comments/1j1tjkm/vance_is_leaving_early/
📷My huge website features articles and photo galleries of 358 beautiful #AbandonedPlaces, from 18 countries. And, I add a new location every week!
⁉️ That's a LOT of photos, so where do you begin exploring my content? No worries, I have you covered!
🎲Take a spin on my Abandoned Places Randomiser and see what forgotten place awaits you! ➡️
💡Find something cool? Let everyone know in the comments!
#urbex #photography #explore #photographer #explore #travel #random
You know, the thing is, if Trump isn't in fact a bought-and-paid-for Russian asset, then he's doing his bullshit for free, and that's actually even worse
The G in GIF is pronounced just like the G in gigolo.
TIL The Sami people of Northern Europe use drones to track track and manage reindeer herds, blending traditional herding practices with modern technology.
#til #todayilearned
From Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, a list of instructions on “how to change your settings to make yourself less valuable to Meta”. https://johnoliverwantsyourraterotica.com/
Apple TV+ is streaming an 8-hour remix of the Severance theme song that is perfect music for your innie to refine macrodata to. Legit adding this to the work music rotation. https://kottke.org/25/02/severance-music-to-refine-to
Fictional villains: my motivation involves a complex backstory around lost love and a deep yearning to be understood
Real life villains: being cruel makes me feel like a big strong man
Everyone may be entitled to their own opinion, but nobody is entitled to force theirs on you. While it is honorable to have an open mind, do not hesitate to close it in the face of hatred, of bigotry, of dishonor.
Do not allow words directed against you to become your burden. You have enough weight on your shoulders already -- don't let those who wish you ill encumber you with more.
Kahless tells us to give it all to keep from giving in or giving up. Stand tall, and let cynicism and despair crumble in the face of a true warrior's resolve.
@isilzha314 @evacide @danjones000 @eff @CNN That's not the point that Dan is making. Dan is saying that Signal's present infrastructure and architecture provide significant opportunities for a sufficiently funded and motivated adversary -- i.e., the NSA, or some other branch of the US government -- to monitor metadata about who is talking to whom. Signal may not explicitly collect that data and store it in a discoverable database, but that won't stop an adversary from gathering the metadata anyway. And the phone number requirement --which Signal *does* store and which *is* available to discovery-- is itself a very risky gambit when that adversary decides that anyone using Signal is a fair target.
And since [we kill people based on metadata](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/05/ex-nsa-chief-we-kill-people-based-on-metadata) and a fascist coup is currently in progress in the United States, Signal's users (as well as the Signal Foundation itself) should be laser focused on eliminating those opportunities. Unfortunately, Signal has
* Recently indicated that it does not consider network-layer anonymity as within its scope: https://gist.github.com/hackermondev/45a3cdfa52246f1d1201c1e8cdef6117
* Has shown no interest in working with others (including myself) in the Free Software ecosystem to integrate such anonymity technology into its stack and make it a default for its users: https://community.signalusers.org/t/use-an-anonymizing-overlay-network/62670
* Has remained mum on the fediverse when the organization and its current president have been invited to previous conversations on this matter: https://tenforward.social/@aspensmonster/113946901827746517
Signal has an ethical responsibility to bring anonymity into scope.
Now THIS is a #SuperbowlSundae !
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Superbowl #SuperBowlSunday #SuperbowlLIX #Sundaes #IceCream
I had a superb owl for tonight, courtesy of the British Trust for Ornithology but they're a bit shy...
A Great Horned owl takes flight in Florida, 7 February, 2025. Photo by Ali Xaidi.